Separation of Concerns¶
In JDA we follow the pattern of Separation of Concerns (SoC) for our entities. This means that updates and moderation all happens in dedicated classes rather than on the entities themselves (with a few exceptions like deletion)
Each entity that can be updated directly has a Manager instance which can be used to update one or more of the entity properties such as its name.
The managers in JDA are useful to update entities. Without many complications, you can update many of properties in a single RestAction execution (HTTP request).
Updating an Entity¶
We will make a small example here on how to update the name and the topic of a TextChannel.
public void updateChannel(TextChannel channel) {
ChannelManager manager = channel.getManager(); // get the manager
manager.setName("testing-2").setTopic("This is a testing channel, no memes allowed"); // set the new values
manager.queue(); // execute update, this updates both name and topic
is async so the update is not done when this method returns!
Re-usability of Managers¶
Every manager in JDA is cached for re-use and can be updated for an interval and then executed upon command, very useful for bots!
Example State Machine
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.hooks.ListenerAdapter;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.*;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.MessageBuilder;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.requests.restaction.MessageAction;
// derived with permission from
public class UpdateStateMachine extends ListenerAdapter {
private final TextChannel channel;
private String name = null;
private String topic = null;
private int state = 0;
public UpdateStateMachine(TextChannel channel) { = channel;
public void onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent event) {
if (!event.isFromGuild()) return;
if (!event.getChannel().equals(channel)) return;
String content = event.getMessage().getContentRaw();
if (!content.startsWith("!update ")) return;
String parts[] = content.split(" ", 2);
String arguments = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : "";
switch (state) {
case 0: // setting mode
if (arguments.equals("done")) { // finish update
state = 2; // enter update mode
sendStatus().append("\nType `!update yes` to finish!").queue();
} else if (arguments.equals("reset")) { // reset state
state = 1; // enter reset mode
sendStatus().append("\nType `!update yes` to reset!").queue();
} else if (arguments.startsWith("topic ")) { // update topic
this.topic = arguments.split(" ", 2)[1];
} else if (arguments.startsWith("name ")) { // update name = arguments.split(" ", 3)[1];
} else {
channel.sendMessage("I'm sorry I did not understand.").queue();
case 1: // reset mode
state = 0;
if (arguments.equals("yes")) // we should reset
else // nevermind, we are not done
channel.sendMessage("Ok, what do you want to change?").queue();
case 2: // update mode
state = 0;
if (arguments.equals("yes")) // we should update
channel.getManager().queue((v) -> resetState());
else // nevermind, we are not done
channel.sendMessage("Ok, what do you want to change?").queue();
protected void resetState() {
channel.getManager().reset(); = null;
this.topic = null;
private MessageAction sendStatus() {
MessageBuilder builder = new MessageBuilder();
builder.append("**Current Status**");
if (name != null || topic != null) {
StringBuilder changes = new StringBuilder();
if (name != null)
changes.append("name -> ").append(name).append("\n");
if (topic != null)
changes.append("topic -> ").append(topic);
builder.appendCodeBlock(changes, "");
return builder.sendTo(channel);
Exceptions to SoC Pattern¶
The only exceptions we have are deletion and creation. All entities are deleted directly using its delete() method, for instance Channel.delete().
You can create copies of entities in the same fashion with one twist. Some createCopy()
methods allow you to modify the new copy before execution of the RestAction
This will copy the provided Channel
and set its name to the provided newName
public void copyChannel(Channel channel, String newName) {
These things can be overlooked, so we do recommend inspecting the return type of these operations: getManager()
, create...()
, delete()
, ban(...)
, kick(...)
and similar when you use them so that you are not caught out.